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Student Corner > Course & Syllabus

Course & Syllabus

Admission Rules: For detail admission rules, please go through the prospectus- 2017-18 of Rourkela College, Rourkela


The Sambalpur University to which this college is affiliated was established on January 1, 1967 by an act of Oriss4 Government. The University was inaugurated in January 1967 by Governor Sri A.N. Khosla and started functioning with Dr: Parsuram Mishra as its first Vice-Chancellor. The University Campus of Burla has been named as “JYOTI BIHAR”.




(Effective For Students Admitted to the degree Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science,

Bachelor of Commerce with effect from 2016-17)

1.1  The Three Year Degree Course leading to the Bachelor's Degree in Arts/ Science / Commerce (Honours) and Bachelor's Degree in Arts/ Science/ Commerce (Pass) of Sambalpur University shall comprise 6 semesters carrying a total of 140 credits and 120 credits respectively. The total course is divided in 3 parts i.e. DISCIPLINE SPECIFIC CORE (DSC), ELECTIVE COURSES (EC) and ABILITY ENHANCEMENT COURSES (AEC). The Elective courses are of 2 types i.e. DISCIPLINE SPECIFIC ELECTIVE (DSE) and GENERIC ELECTIVE (GE). Similarly, The Ability Enhancement Courses are also of 2 types i.e. ABILITY ENHANCEMENT COMPULSORY COURSES (AECC) and SKILL ENHANCEMENT COURSES (SEC).


1. Discipline Specific Core (Honours): 84 credits

2. Elective Courses : 48 credits (DSE-24, GE-24)

3. Ability Enhancement Courses : 08 credits (AECC-4, SEC-4)

1.2  Out line of the credit load and marks for each semester is as follows:

Semester HONOURS
  Credits Marks
1st Semester 20 350
2nd Semester 20 350
3rd Semester 26 450
4th Semester 26 450
5th Semester 24 400
6th Semester 24 400
Total 140 2400


1 Economics 48
2 English 16
3 History 56
4 Odia 56
5 Political Science 64
6 Philosophy 16
  Total 256


1 Accounting 128


Sl. No Title of the Course Stream
1 Banking Arts/ Science/ Commere


2.1   Any applicant, who has passed the Higher Secondary Examination of the Council of Higher Secondary Education, Odisha, or any other Qualifying Examination recognized by the Academic Council of CHSE, Odisha as equivalent thereto may be admitted to the first semester of this course, provided that a student shall not be admitted into Degree Course in Science unless she has passed the qualifying examination in Science.

2.2   Student shall be allowed admission into the first semester of the course within four weeks (including holidays and Sundays) from the date of publication of results of the Annual Higher Secondary Examination of the Council of Higher Secondary Education, Odisha, or after the reopening of Summer Vacation which ever is later. In exceptional cases, the appropriate authority may notify the last date of admission.

2.3   Candidates who, for some valid reasons, are unable to take admission within the time prescribed under Regulation 2.2 above, may however be admitted into a College within two weeks (including Holidays and Sundays) from the last date of admission with a late fee as prescribed by the University from time to time. The Principal of the College shall intimate the names of such candidates as well as their dates of admission, and shall remit the late fee collected to the University in one lot within two weeks from the date of such late admission.

2.4   Candidates, who have taken admission later than the due date, on payment of the late fee, shall have the percentage of lectures counted from the date of such admission.

2.5   Candidates passing the Instant Higher Secondary Examination of the Council of Higher Secondary Education, Odisha, may be admitted into a college within two weeks (Including Holidays and Sunday) after the publication of their results, provided that such candidates may be admitted within one week from the publication date of the said result by paying late fee as prescribed by the University. A candidate so admitted shall have the percentage of lectures counted from the date of his admission.

2.6   Admission to the third and fifth semesters of the course (in the second and third years of the 3-year programme) shall be completed within two weeks of the reopening of the colleges without waiting for the publication of results of the second and fourth University examination respectively, provided that students may be admitted to the second of third year, as the case may be, within a further period of two weeks, including Sunday and holidays, on payment of 4 late fee as prescribed by University for each student. It is mandatory for a student to clear the backlog papers within six years from the date of admission to the course. One has ‘to appear at the improvement examination(s), if any, within four years, i.e., 3+1 years. 2.7 Provided further that students, who could not appear at university examination due to shortage of attendance, shall be allowed to take readmission in the same year at the beginning of the immediate subsequent academic session subject to availability of seats. Preference shall be given to the students who have secured higher marks in the last CHSE or University examination, as the case may be.

2.7   Notwithstanding. anything contained in the preceding regulations, where the syndicate of the University permits increase of seats in any class or gives fresh affiliation to any new subject i in any college, the date of issue of such order shall be deemed as the date of publication of results of the Council of Higher Secondary Education, Odisha, for the purpose of admission thereto.

2.8   A candidate, whose results of Higher Secondary Examination are published late by the examining authority, may be admitted into the college within two weeks of the publication of his/her results depending on the availability of seats provided that no student can be admitted into +3 First Semester Class beyond 31st August of the concerned academic year.


A candidate who has been admitted into a college with particular subject(s) or combination of subjects into the first semester may be allowed change of subject(s) or combination of subjects, depending on the choices provided in Table no l for Science/Arte/Commerce streams. Such changes are to be approved by the Principal within 15 days from the last date of admission into first semester programme.


4.1   Any registered student of the University may be admitted into the First Semester Examination if he/she has completed the said course, irrespective of whether the course has been completed in one or more colleges. Further, the said course should be a regular course for not less than one semester duration.

4.2   Any registered student of university may be admitted to the Third Semester for the Bachelor's Degree in Arts/Science/ Commerce, provided that he/she has filled up the form for the First Semester Examination.

4.3   Any registered student of the University may be admitted to the Fifth Semester Examination for Bachelor's Degree in Arts/Science/Commerce if he/she has cleared the First Semester Examination in the concerned stream or has appeared at the said examination and has thereafter completed a regular course of study for not less than one academic year in the third year course in one or more colleges admitted for the purpose of such examination in the subjects which he/she offers, provided that he/she is not otherwise ineligible for appearing the said examination.

4.4   In order to clear a Semester examination a candidate is required to secure a minimum of 33% marks or D grade in each of the theory papers and at least 45% or C grade in the practicals.

4.5   A student, in order to retain Honours, or Major, has to secure a minimum of Grade- C and above in each of the Major Credit Course. Further, in order to obtain Distinction, a student has to secure a minimum of Grade-C in all the papers separately.

4.6   Grading System

GRADE   MARKS SECURED from 100 Points
Outstanding O 100-90 10
Excellent E 89-80 9
Very Good A 79-70 8
Good B 69-60 7
Fair C 59-45 6
Pass D 44-33 5
Failed F Below 33 0

4.7   A-student's level of competence shall be categorized by a grade point average to be specified as SGPA (Semester Grade Point Average)

  • a.  The SGPA is the ratio of sum of the product of the number of credits with the grade points scored by a student in all the courses taken by a student and the sum of the number of credits of all the courses undergone by a student, i.e SGPA (Si) = I(Ci x Gi) / ICi

  • b.  CGPA ( Cumulative Grade Point Average) The CGPA is also calculated in the same manner taking into account all the courses undergone by a student over all the semesters of a programme, i.e. CGPA = ∑ (CixSi)/ ICi

N.B. Si is the SGPA of any semester and Ci is the total number of credits in that semester.

CREDIT = Integer specifying the relative emphasis of individual course item(s) in a Semester as indicated by the course structure and syllabus. Credit Point = CGPA X SGPA for each course item

Credit Index = ∑ CREDIT POINT of Course Items in a Semester

Grade Point Average =

Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) = for a semester

Cumulative Grade Point Average( CGPA) =

up to a semester


4.8 a.  If a candidate is marked absent in any sitting(s) of an examination such a candidate shall have to reappear in that paper(s) subject(s) in order that his/her results are declared. In case a candidate wants to repeat or improve performance in a paper or papers, the higher marks secured shall be taken into account if the performance in the said examination is not better than the previous one. For some reason if the students do not sit for the repeat/improvement examination in a paper or papers, then the marks secured in the earlier examination in that paper or papers will be retained.

4.8 b.  A Candidate failing to secure a minimum of D- grade in any paper and/or a minimum of C- grade in any practical paper in any Semester Examination may be allowed to re-appear at examinations in those subjects in not more than two consecutive chances immediately following the examination for which he/she was first registered on payment of prescribed fees. A candidate who has already passed the practical of any subject need not take the Practical Examination all over again. However, if a candidate, - for some reason, is not able to take examinations in some papers in a Semester, he or she has the option to appear at examinations for all the papers of that examination only under the following conditions:

  • (i).   Marks secured by the candidate in the papers appeared earlier in that Semester Examination stand cancelled.

  • (ii).   After exercising the option to appear in all papers of an examination, if a candidate still fails to clear that Semester Examination he/she will be required to appear in all the papers of that examination in a subsequent chance within 6 years from first registration to First Semester Examination.

4.9  C If the candidate fails to secure D-grade in each theory paper of a Semester and C-grade in practical papers, but fails to secure less than C-grade in the SGPA, he/she may reappear at the examination of one or more theory paper(s) of his choice from any of the six semesters to make up the deficiency only after the candidate has finished with the sixth semester examination. It may be notes that all the examinations have to be cleared by the candidate concerned within 6 years from the date of _ the registration for the First Semester Examination.

4.10  A candidate who wishes to improve performance in any Semester shall be required to fill in application forms and pay the requisite fees accordingly. Collegiate candidates taking this advantage be treated as regular candidates and will be examined on the basis of current syllabus.


5.1 Distribution of marks for Theory Papers carrying 30 marks (excluding 20 marks for Unit Tests, Quiz, Seminar Presentation as per Clause 6.1.a as below)

  • a.   3 essay type carrying 6 marks each out of 5 are to be answered. Answers should be between 700-1000 words.

  • b.  2 short-type questions carrying 2.5 marks each out of 3 are to be answered. Answers should be between 150-250 words

  • c.  7 objective-type questions carrying 1 marks each out of 10 are to be answered. Answers should be between 1 to 2 sentences.


Duration of University end-term examinations of theory papers carrying 50 marks would be of 2 and half hours and practical papers carrying 50 marks would be of 4 to 6 hours duration.


The answer script would contain 22 pages (excluding 2 pages cover, i.e., front and back covers) for 50 marks theory/practical papers.

5.4   PROJECT PAPER (VI Semester)

  • a.   In the 6th semester, a student has to choose a topic and work upon it in consultation with a teacher/supervisor throughout the semester at least for 100 hours, out of which the contact hours with the teacher/ supervisor ‘shall be 20 hours.

  • b.  The project report shall be from 50 to 75 pages, typed in double space, consisting of Identification of Problem, Introduction (inclusive of Literature Review), Methodology, Analysis, Finding and Works Cited. Appendix, if any, by way of maps/charts/ tables/ computer printouts of important results etc be provided at the end of the report.



    Unit Test I Unit Test II Quiz Seminar Presentation End-Term Total
    5 5 5 5 30 50

    Unit Test I Unit Test II Unit Test III Record End-Term Total
    5 5 5 5 30 50

    Identification of Problem Intro (Review of Lit) Methodology Analysis Findings Vive-Voice Total
    10 10 10 25 25 20 100

6.2  The laboratory notebook or the fieldwork / project work, in) which there is practical examination, shall be evaluated the Examiners, who shall take those into consideration which determines the results of the practical examination. Each experiment in every note book shall contain the date .of the experiment, signature of the student and the initial of the teacher with date under whom the experiment was performed.

6.3  The question paper for the University Examination in Arts/ Science/ Commerce shall contain alternative questions on the courses of study prescribed for the preceding year where such courses of study have since been altered or amended.


7.1   A Candidate shall be required to attend 75% of the classes in each subject. Condition in exceptional cases may be granted by the college to the extent of 15%.

7.2   The Syndicate may grant further condonation of shortage in attendance to the extend of 10% in respect of candidates who represented the University or State on deputation for inter University or National Camp, competition games or sports, to be recorded in writing.

7.3   A candidate may be permitted to take up one the M.I.L./ Alternative English without the requirement of attendance at lectures, if a college in which he or she is admitted does not have affiliation for that subject.


8.1   Candidate for admission to the First/Second/ Final examination in Arts, Science, or Commerce shall specify the subjects/ papers as the case may be in which he/she desires to be examined for the Pass and Honours examination in the form of application prescribed for the purpose.

8.2   The application submitted by every candidate for admission to any examination, other than the back subject (s) papers in Arts/ Science/Commerce shall contain a certificate of the candidate (s) (i) good conduct, (ii) diligent study [iii) having maintained the required percentage of attendance in each class or having obtained condonation for the shortage or attendance if it is within the admissible range, and (iv) having satisfactorily passed the examinations conducted by the college concerned, duly signed by the Principal or in any teacher of the college authorized for the purpose by the Principal of the college. Failure to earn any of the aforesaid certificates from the Principal of the college will disqualify the candidate for being admitted to the examination till he earns the same.

8.3   The fees payable for Registration/ Admission to any examination, under this regulation shall be as prescribed from time to time.

8.4   If a candidate has paid full fees for all the subjects in any examination, but remained absent in all the subjects, s/ he shall be required to pay the full prescribed fees if s/he appears at the same examination again in the subsequent years (s).


9.1   Any candidate who has been registered as such in any other University of the State will be permitted to migrate to this University to register in any Semester Examination of this University. In such case, the marks/credits obtained by him/her in the earlier Semester Examination, as the case may be, of the other University will be taken as the marks obtained by him/her for the result as per the provision of the regulation, Act and statute.

9.2   A committee may be formed by the C.O.E. to examine and consider all cases of Credit transfer within the framework of Credit Load Structure.


10.1   For award of gold medals the university shall form a committee. The best graduate will be decided from amongst the toppers of each major under a faculty.

10.2   To pass a subject, 2% grace marks in each Semester can be given to a subject up to a maximum of 5 marks in a paper. Students transferred after the First Semester Examination cannot be given position or medal and students who have failed/ remained absent/ improved their marks by repetition shall also not be eligible for University medals and ranks.


11.1   The results of the B.A./B.Sc./B. Com Decree Examinations and the award of grades shall be determined on the basis - of the guidelines enunciated under Clause 4 above.

11.2   As soon as possible, preferably within 45 days after the completion of the VI Semester (Theory Paper) the Syndicate shall publish a list of successful candidates based on the CGPA.

11.3   The merit list of the successful candidates shall be prepared on the basis of CGPA.

11.4   Candidates who pass in. their 1st appearances and in one session will be placed above those who pass Repeat/ Improvement examinations in the merit list.

11.5   Each successful candidate at the Final Examination of the Degree Course shall receive a Diploma in prescribed form signed by the Vice-Chancellor.

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